We are excited to participate in the significant Washington: A Man of Prayer historic event in our nation’s Capital. Washington: A Man of Prayer, commemorates the events of April 30, 1789, when after being sworn in at Federal Hall, President Washington, along with Congress, proceeded to St. Paul’s Chapel where as one of his first official acts offered a prayer of dedication to God on America’s behalf.
The Brook Hill School and the American Freedom Museum staff have developed a comprehensive curriculum in connection with this nationally televised event and will be adding a lesson plan on an annual basis. Two Hundred and twenty five years have passed since the writing of the United States Constitution and the establishment of the office of President. This curriculum endeavors to provide a closer look at the men and women that God used to establish the United States of America. Based on a Biblical worldview, this curriculum reflects these truths:
- God alone establishes the nations of the world.
- God uses ordinary men and women to accomplish His purposes.
- All of our Founding Fathers were ordinary men who were called to do extraordinary things.
The objectives of the curriculum are to help young people:
- Know the details and significance of the first Presidential inauguration;
- Understand the Christian heritage of the United States of America;
- Recognize and study God’s leadership in action;
- Serve God in the role He has chosen for them in a manner that honors Him;
- Understand the importance of their personal involvement in and understanding of American politics in their lifetime;
The focus for Washington: A Man of Prayer 2014 Curriculum is the character of George Washington and his influence on the establishment of the office of President. The curriculum is very flexible. You will find lessons for all students grades K-12 in a variety of disciplines. The flexibility allows you, the expert authority on your class, to determine a time table for this study and to choose the activities that best serve your students.
It is our hope and prayer that through this curriculum and related events, we can begin to raise up a new generation of student leaders who will not only value their heritage as Americans, but will extend that heritage as they begin to impact their society and government for Christ. Thank you for taking time to use this curriculum and to participate in Washington: A Man of Prayer 2014. May God richly bless you and your class time as we pursue this important task together.
If you have any questions please contact Jan Hommel at 903-894-5252 or by email at jhommel@americanfreedommuseum.org.
Stephen Dement
Founder of the American Freedom Museum and The Brook Hill School
Jan Hommel
Museum Director
Robin Bynum
Curriculum Coordinator